5.) The Bourne Identity (2002): Contains one of the best (if not the best) car chases ever filmed and single-handedly raised the bar for what audiences expect out of a fight scene.
4.) Speed (1994):
Bus + Bomb + Ted = Fun.
3.) Predator (1987): Two future governors, an invisible alien and lots of big guns and exploding trees. Add a jumbo bag of Skittles, and I'm in Heaven.
2.) The Matrix (1999): Even with several dozen viewings under my belt, I always get chills when he stops the bullets at the end. Such a cool flick.
1.) Die Hard (1988): Needs no introduction or explanation. The father of the modern-day action movie. Twenty years later and everyone's still trying to live up to the standard set by John McClain. (Note: Don't feel like you have to leave this off your list just because it's on mine. In fact, you might have some explaining to do if it's not at least in your top three.)
1.) Die Hard (1988): Needs no introduction or explanation. The father of the modern-day action movie. Twenty years later and everyone's still trying to live up to the standard set by John McClain. (Note: Don't feel like you have to leave this off your list just because it's on mine. In fact, you might have some explaining to do if it's not at least in your top three.)